a - z指数


项目(s): M.S.

生物学理学硕士是两年制的, 32学时课程,强化学生的内容知识, 解决问题的能力和研究能力. Students will gain an increased specialization in a biological discipline, 进行独立研究的能力增强, and be trained in scientific study design and concept application pertinent to their discipline of focus.


为什么学习 网上赌博网站十大排行生物学

通过定制课程来满足学生的兴趣, specially-selected faculty mentors ensure students can demonstrate their ability to interpret and report data in written and oral formats. Graduates are prepared for employment in their focus area of biology and to be successful in subsequent professional or doctoral studies.

除了两个不同的集中领域, 该计划还提供三种完成选项.

  • 选项1(论文)
  • 选项2(非论文,学术论文)
  • 选项3(非论文、专业发展经验)



本专业的学生将学习分子生物学, 免疫学和分子生物学的阅读等等.


本专业的学生将学习 植物生理学, 爬虫学、水生和土壤环境化学, 只是举几个例子.


  • 高等教育生物科学教师
  • 研究科学家
  • 分子生物学家
  • 生物医学工程师




Candidates for admission to the graduate program should meet the following requirements and submit the following materials:

  • 符合研究生院的要求 研究生目录 and acceptance to graduate study by the dean of the 研究生院.
  • A condition of acceptance to the 生物学 Graduate program is that applicants must contact and secure in writing the mentoring consent of an appropriately qualified graduate faculty advisor. 该指导教师必须具有博士学位.D.) in a field suitable to advise the applicant’s intended area of concentration. If an advisor match cannot be made, the applicant cannot be accepted to the program. 
  • Completing a four-year undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university with an undergraduate grade-point average (GPA) of 2.75 (4.00规模). Submit a complete set of undergraduate transcripts from all institutions attended.
  • GPA不低于2分的申请人.50 to 2.可以有条件地申请录取. If accepted, the student would complete the first eight graduate hours with a 3.平均绩点为00,否则将被停学一年.

Applications to the 生物学 graduate program are evaluated holistically and on a rotating admissions basis by the 生物学 Graduate Committee.  Students may submit their complete application at any time during the academic year. A student who does not meet the GPA or other criteria could apply to the university as a non-degree-seeking student and seek full admission later.  Applicants may also be accepted on a provisional basis to the graduate program, 这取决于整个应用程序组合的质量. 

如果学生得了3分.在他/她的研究生学习的前8个小时, the provisional status may be lifted depending on accompanying evidence of appropriate progress. 不保证被录取.  The application approval date will dictate the matriculation term(s) for which an applicant is eligible.

It is advisable for applicants to the MS 生物学 program to have earned an undergraduate degree with coursework experience in 生命科学、物理、化学和数学.  It is not necessary for an applicant’s undergraduate degree emphasis to precisely match the area of concentration declared in their MS application. 然而, undergraduate transcripts will be evaluated for each applicant as part of the admissions process to determine whether their undergraduate program has properly prepared them for academic success in Natural Sciences graduate coursework.

Students may be accepted into the program with coursework deficiencies in these areas, but these deficiencies must be corrected in addition to the regular coursework associated with the program.  Deficiency requirements will be determined by the primary degree advisor and verified by the Graduate Coordinator and Graduate Committee.


In addition to a complete set of undergraduate and graduate transcripts, 申请学生须提交以下材料:

  • GRE考试要求
    • 综合成绩最低286分(旧版800分);
    • the analytical writing section must be submitted; and
    • a student who does not meet the required GRE score may be accepted to the program on the basis of the strength of their overall portfolio. The accepted student may be asked to retake the exam later to achieve the minimum score.
    • GRE可访问性缓解:由于最近GRE考试站点访问的复杂性, admissions understand that applying students may have difficulty completing the GRE requirement for application. Initial applications may therefore be considered without a GRE score, 但申请人可能会被要求稍后完成考试. Do not delay the completion of your application due to GRE access; communicate with Graduate Admissions about your circumstance if flexibility is needed.
  • Two letters of recommendation describing the suitability of the applicant for graduate study.
  • 目的声明,包括:
    • a description of why the applicant wishes to pursue a Master of Science in biology and how they wish to professionally apply their training after graduation;
    • 特定研究项目的重点领域, 学术论文, or professional capstone experience the applicant intends to conduct (organismal biology, 微/分子生物学, 环境生物学, 等.)
      • Applicants are encouraged to review the research interests and areas of expertise of faculty within the department and contact them about potential projects within their laboratory. Priority is given to applicants who have identified an advisor willing to guide them through the completion of their thesis or 学术论文 research or mentor their professional capstone.
      • Applicants must arrange for written confirmation of their advisor’s consent to be submitted to the Graduate Coordinator.


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